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Royal Ambulance

Healthcare & EMT Service Company


About The Company

Royal Ambulance is a well-known healthcare & EMT service company in San Francisco Bay area. Their EMTs are trained to exhibit care, compassion and truly engage patients to lessen a patient’s anxiety and improve their well-being.

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Why They Hired Us

Royal Ambulance first asked for a hero section change and adding two landing pages to their current website, then we migrated their Onward Rides website to Wix and after exceeding their expectations we were asked to migrate their current website to Wix in 2-3 weeks. They also asked for their billing to be made on Wix for the Bill Page form.Their former website was on WordPress and we transferred it to the Wix platform and sent step-by-step guide videos & pdf so that the client could easily make edits. We had to use a third-party app for their billing on Wix. We managed to transfer all designs, animations, and custom sliders to Wix with all its limitations. Creating the animations and sliders was a big challenge, we innovated timed lines for the animation and used Velo for designing the sliders and broke limitations. Royal Ambulance is now a fast & user-friendly website with advanced features and a great optimized mobile design.

Project Type

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Design Tools

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Development Tools

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Used Typeface

Neue Haas

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj...    1,2,3,4,5,? ! @ # $ % & *

Used Color Palette





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Customized Websites
No Templates No Themes.

100% Premium


Desktop Version

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You Can Have a Unique & User-Friendly Customized Mobile Optimization Design
Even on WIX!

Mobile Version

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Let’s design a premium website for your business. 🤝

Your New Project

NexMark Studios does not view you or your website as simply just another project.

We will be here with you every step, whether you are a large corporation or a home business.

Whether you have 25+ years of experience in your field or you have just started your business.
Our teams of designers, developers, and analysts are here with you every step of the way,

ensuring that your vision is designed, developed, and maintained to your standards.

With the latest blend of art, business, and technology,

We hope to breathe new life into your business.

Let's learn more about you and your ambitious project.

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